Searching for Our Human Face: Animals in the Eschaton?

Eclectic Orthodoxy

by Brian C. Moore, Ph.D.


Jesus and the disciples get into a boat to cross the lake. In transit, Jesus sleeps and the wind picks up, a storm rages. This is an intimation of Christ in the tomb, and the apostles are paralyzed in terror. They awake the Master, who is Lord of life. And Jesus rebukes the wind and water as easily as you or I might move a limb. The disciples are relieved, yet fearful. What have they got themselves into, taking up with this fellah? This is no small thing, though I can imagine a certain type trying to subsume this into a general category of wonder worker, make it just another case of sympathetic magic. Too bad, because it’s not that at all. Nor is it simply imperious, for there is a thread in this action that goes all the way back to the Annunciation, to…

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