Searching for Our Human Face: Ricercare

Eclectic Orthodoxy

by Brian C. Moore, Ph.D.


(From my notebooks)

Suppose you are a soul standing before the gate of time. You look through the portal and discover two possibilities. In one, you are at ease, surrounded by wealth and respectability. No one questions your motives or spits in contempt at you. It is true, you are perhaps a little dull, but there are pastries, fine wines, perhaps a mistress to assuage momentary ennui. The other is an odd fellow, impoverished, unwell, misunderstood, who has this way of seeing light and color. It’s unsettling and poignant all at once, the way he paints a pair of peasant’s shoes. I call this the parable of Van Gogh and the successful Parisian lawyer. Today, one would hope that everyone would choose to have been Van Gogh and not the forgotten lawyer, yet few are willing to pay the price. Let someone else suffer for…

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